What colour is your voice? Step 1 of 8 12% INSTRUCTIONS This 2 minute test will tell you the colour of your voice. It takes how you feel about your voice, and using colour psychology hones in on your specific vocal colour. Don’t think too hard about the answers, just use your intuition and select quickly. For better accuracy try to choose at least 3 answers per question. Choose words you associate with your singing voice.(Required) Lovely Tender Healthy Cheerful Royal Soothing Trusting Strong Pure Elegant Choose a FEW MORE words you associate with your singing voice. Energetic Sensitive Attractive Childish Mysterious Natural Calming Dependant Safe Authoritative Nice! We're getting closer.. keep going! Passionate Caring Youthful Warm Sad Balanced Faithful Secure Angelic Indignant Almost there... we're honing in now! Angry Emotional Happy Optimistic Arrogant Restful Stable Dirty Simple Sophisticated We're very near a colour, just a few more. Hungry Sympathetic Wealthy Spirited Luxurious Envious Powerful Grungy Peaceful Honest WELL DONE! And lastly... how would you describe your speaking voice today? Clear Husky Quiet Breathy Raspy Loud Muffled Rough Strong Irregular HiddenColour Value (hidden) CONGRATULATIONS We have now analysed your answers and crunched the numbers!Please enter your name and email so we can send you a free gift!Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.